Helen Crossley lives in a tiny village in the rural heart of West Devon. Hailing from Sheffield, and various other metropolis along the way, the countryside is not her natural habitat. But growing up walking in the Peak District most weekends gave her an appreciation for changing landscapes and broad vistas. Walking and cycling around West Devon now provides endless inspiration.
Having returned to art in her late 50s, she has gradually become much bolder in her use of colour and approach. Acrylic is her main choice of medium and is perfect for her impressionistic style allowing for a huge variety of expression and layering.
"My art aims to transport the viewer to a place of calm - a memory of some shady woodland, a sparkling brook, a view to a far horizon. But, sometimes, there's an element of mystery there, something unknown, something at the margins not quite grasped... So, like many artists, I'm perennially drawn to trying to capture the effects of light and darkness."
Helen is a founder member of the Deep Lanes Art Collective, has exhibited locally and run local workshops on art and design.